
A. Romero, R. J. Duro, G. Baldassare, V. G. Santucci

Learning Multiple Tasks with Non-stationary Interdependencies in Autonomous Robots

A. Romero, F. Bellas, R. J. Duro

A Perspective on Lifelong Open-Ended Learning Autonomy for Robotics through Cognitive Architectures

P. P. Filntisis, G. Retsinas, F. Paraperas-Papantoniou, A. Katsamanis, A. Roussos, P. Maragos

SPECTRE: Visual Speech-Informed Perceptual 3D Facial Expression Reconstruction from Videos

M. Konstantinou, G. Retsinas and P. Maragos

Enhancing Action Recognition in Vehicle Environments With Human Pose Information

N. Kegkeroglou. P.P. Filntisis and P. Maragos

Medical Face Masks and Emotion Recognition from the Body: Insights from a Deep Learning Perspective

Sigaud, O., Baldassarre, G., Colas, C., Doncieux, S., Duro, R., Perrin-Gilbert, N., & Santucci, V. G.

A Definition of Open-Ended Learning Problems for Goal-Conditioned Agents

Sartor, G., Oddi, A., Rasconi, R., & Santucci, V. G

Intrinsically Motivated High-Level Planning for Agent Exploration

Romero, A., Baldassarre, G., Duro, R. J., & Santucci, V. G

Autonomous Learning of Task Sequences in Robotic Scenarios with Non-Stationary Interdependencies

S Baldassarre, G., Duro, R. J., Cartoni, E., Khamassi, M., Romero, A., & Santucci, V. G

Purpose for Open-Ended Learning Robots: A Computational Taxonomy, Definition, and Operationalisation


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